Saturday, October 27, 2007

So Angry I can't Write a Satisfying Title

I just finished reading an article by Charles Moore, "Like a slave, is an unborn child not a brother?," in which he compared society's disgust looking back on slavery to how future generations will look on us over abortion. I hope he is right, but i am not very optimistic. I mention this article because i hope to illustrate some of the hypocrisy of the pro-choice/death crowd.

I am disgusted to read Eric Worrall's response to the article:

"According to Freakonomics link, The drop in crime in America in the 90s was a direct result of relaxation of abortion laws in the 70s, thanks to the Wade vs Roe case link . If you dont believe me, read the book - the author provides a compelling case. Unwanted children often grow into antisocial adults, or criminals. Parents might sometimes have a magical change of heart, but often they dont. Pro-abortionists [i think he means pro-life here] might believe the lives of these unhappy, unwanted people are worthwhile, but frankly I think our crime burdened society can do without them" first thought is, as a good left wing liberal, he is probably opposed to the death penalty. However, he is now arguing for abortion as a preemptive punishment against children "likely" to commit crimes. In fact, he is advocating capital punishment be delivered on the flimsiest basis for the slightest of offences, such as "anti-social" behavior. I wonder if his callousness towards humanity in general would fall under his own death sentence...

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